Dec 23, 2011

Real vs. Fake Christmas Tree

In keeping with the holiday theme I seem to be on I wanted to bring up this debate that I have with people every Christmas season. Real vs. Fake Christmas tree! I'm not much of a stickler for tradition, I'm pretty open to change and new ideas but one thing I will never budge on is getting a real Christmas tree. My girlfriends parents switched from a real tree this year to a fake tree and I was definitely disappointed that they had gone over to the dark side. I love a real Christmas tree! Ever since I can remember my family has always gone to a tree farm every Christmas and cut down our own Christmas tree. Me and my girlfriend continued the tradition this year by cutting down the tree for my parents house. Now this might be a little extreme for some people but even picking up a real tree from the local hardware store is better than purchasing a fake one.

I think there is nothing like a real tree for Christmas. The smell of the tree is one of my favorite things. It fills the house and really makes it feel like the holidays. I don't care what candles or spray you buy to make your fake tree smell real it will never smell just like a real tree. That point can't be argued.

To me a fake tree can never recreate the look of a real tree. They always look like they tried too hard when they were designing it. A Christmas tree should not be perfect. It is supposed to be natural. Its supposed to have a bare spot or two. And no fake tree has the same sort of shape and fullness you can find in a real tree.

And there is something to be said about the holiday spirit that comes about from picking out your real Christmas tree. Its cold out, maybe even snowing, you are with the people you care about searching for the perfect tree that will brighten up your house and ring in the holidays. I went with my girlfriend and her parents to pick up their fake tree and its not the same feeling walking into a Target and picking up a cardboard box with your tree in it.

And then there is the setting up of the tree and decorating it. When you take that fake tree out of the box it already feels dead and cold. And putting branch A in slot B just doesn't feel very holiday like. When you bring a real tree into your house its a living plant. It has this warm feeling like it full of life. No fake tree can emmulate that.

And I know some people are going to say well you never have to water the tree, you never have to vacuum up needles, its cheaper in the long run, etc. But to me those are all cold calculated things. I like all of that. That is the fun of a real tree. Having to cut it down and take care of it. There is no substitute in my opinion for a real tree.  What is your opinion. Real or fake tree?


  1. Yes I must admit I did cross over to the dark side. I did purchase a fake tree after 28 years, but I had a good reason. During this time of my life my children have grown and left the roost. So I had my wonderful children home,(Harry included as part of my children)for Thanksgiving, and I knew that it was coming close for us to get a real tree.Getting all bundled up and heading to the store, yes the store we never chopped our own down. Well i felt this year it would be very sad for me and pops to pick it out all by ourselves and decorate it. So I spray a little tree spray, ok maybe too much at times, but I was able to do it with my family all together.

  2. While I do understand that it is important for family to be around when your decorate the Christmas tree it still doesn't make the tree come alive and I would say that some where there was a tree stand or field that was open to get a real tree. I know of a number of people who go out right after thanksgiving to getting their real tree. But to each their own during the holidays.
