Dec 20, 2011

Cities of Power

My apalogies to everyone for not posting at all this weekend or yesterday but I was very sick over the weekend and the post probably would have reflected how bad I felt. And to make things even better I was in Washington D.C. with my girlfriend for the weekend and unfortunately  had to end our trip a bit earlier than we would have liked because of how sick I was.

Anyway, being in D.C. got me thinking about cities of power. Places where you go and you feel the power and the grandeur within the city. There's something special about being in those kinds of cities. They make you dream of big ideas and adventures and leave you with a longing for greatness. For me, Washington D.C. is the most powerful city and not just because its our nations capital. I've been to a number of capital cities, Rome, Athens, and Madrid for example. None of those cities give off the same powerful vibes.

Maybe it's the architecture in D.C. The large granite buildings with huge white columns are imposing. They really do make you feel like world changing decisions are being made by powerful men and women. And to just walk around and see on one corner the J. Edgar Hoover FBI building and on the opposite corner the Department of Justice gives the buildings themselves a personality and a sense of power.

It could be knowing what goes on in the city that makes it a powerful city. Knowing that the three branches of the most powerful government in the world (for now) come together to make policies and decisions that affect the lives of millions of Americans and countless other people around the world is a powerful feeling. Regardless of whether you agree with their policies and regardless of their positive and negative effects you cannot deny the power located within the walls of this city.

Or it could be the history in the city. While walking the The National Mall among the monuments and memorials the history of the city and the nation begins to sink in. The accomplishments and sacrifices of great men and women come alive in the museums and galleries that line the streets and walkways.

Regardless of what exactly it is after visiting Washington D.C. I always come back with a greater drive to succeed and accomplish big things even if I don't know yet what I want to succeed at. I urge everyone to find one of these cities of power and visit that city often because you will always come away with a new drive and sense of purpose.

Finally. What is your city of power and why?

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