Jan 4, 2012

Skip The Gym Membership This Year

So this is a quick little post on staying fit this year without the gym membership. I'm sure for many of you out there getting into shape was one of your new year's resolutions, I know it was one for me. Now I might sound a bit weird telling you to skip the gym this year when I'm talking about getting in shape. Here's the reason. For most of us were not trying to lose 150 pounds or get ripped like Rocky were just trying to tuck the stomach in a bit or lose 5-10 pounds. And for that you don't need that expensive gym membership. While many gyms offer nice introductory rates those rates usually end after 3 months or so and then you're stuck paying the higher membership fees.

In college we were all used to having free access to a gym to do our workouts but you don't need a gym to get in shape. If you are looking for a cardio workout you don't need a tred mill or an eliptical to get a good sweat on. Go for a run outside! The fresh air is great for your body and running on soft grass is better for your knees and ankles than running on a tredmill. And if for me when I run on a tredmill I feel like I'm never getting anywhere so I prefer running outside.

And you don't need expensive weights from a gym to do your weight lifting at home. You can find simple and cheap resistance bands at most sporting goods stores and they work just as good as free weights. And if you don't need that much weight skip the bands and fill some empty water bottles with water or sand. They work just as good. And you don't need those machines at the gym to get a work out in. Do a quick search on the web and you'll find plenty of excellent workouts. I check out Men's Health Magazine's website for good workouts.

Along the same line, check out the web for some great ab workouts. If you're feeling like you need a little more guidance try a workout video before you look for that personal trainer. Personal trainers are expensive and again unless you are looking for a serious workout regiment a simple exercise tape can make your workout more effective.

Now a nutrition plan can enhance any work out but no need to shell out big bucks for a dietician or a meal plan. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, cutting out fried foods, and eating carbs and red meat in moderation will help you get fit. And again there is plenty of great resources out there on the web. And remember the best thing you can do to help get more fit is to create a workout schedule, find ways to stay motivated, and eat right. Good luck to all of you on your new year's resolutions.

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